Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 6: More Torres del Paine, and back to Puerto Natales

Next morning we did some more touring in the park. We saw tons of guanacos, a sort of llama - beautifully gentle looking creatures that are curious and not too skittish. Beautiful big eyelashes. We stopped to look at a lake, and two semi-tame foxes emerged from the bushes to beg for scraps. Kind of sad, that even in a place this remote the wildlife learns to beg from the visitors, but also kind of cool to see foxes this close up.

We drove back to Puerto Natales over more bumpy, bouncy roads.

Annie and I finished with a massage in this cute hippy kind of place, owned by one of Lucie`s friends, back in Puerto Natales, while Jeff worked on this blog, then lost what he did because the timer ran out at exactly 30 minutes and I wasn`t paying attention. Oh well. Then another big meal of king crab and scallops at Darrio and Lucie`s, thanks to DarriĆ²´s mother. These are the local specialties, so cheap and delicious. The hotel we stayed in that night had no windows, but was still noisy.

We have this theory that because populations are so sparse and spread out here, everyone makes as much noise as possible to compensate. Also, working hours appear very fluid, so there`s always someone working (Darrio worked till 1 am cleaning hottubs before we left - one of his jobs).

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